Shandong Comler Power Group Co., LTD

—— Comler Power is an electricity brand that creates value for customers ——

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Secretary Li Zhihong inspected our company

Release time:2023/4/25
This article has been read:285times

 On the afternoon of December 7, 2016, Secretary Li Zhihong, Deputy County Magistrate Xu Yujin, and other government leaders visited our company for inspection and guidance. Accompanied by General Manager Kong Cunliang, they visited the company's production workshop. General Manager Kong gave a detailed explanation on the overall intelligent power supply and distribution system and ultra quiet generator set of Comler. Secretary Li fully affirmed our company's innovation ability.


Secretary Li Zhihong inspected our company
Contact Us

Generator company: 0537-7987777 7980007

New Energy Company: 0537-7280888 7280008

Customer Service Department: 0537-7267000

Fax: 0537-7260009

National service hotline: 400-6183-789

WeChat official account: COMMER



Address: No. 2895, West Section of Shengze Street, Wenshang, Shandong Province (Kangmule International Industrial Park)

Shandong Kangmule New Energy Technology Co., Ltd


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