Shandong Comler Power Group Co., LTD

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Comler Family's 2-day Yuntai Mountain Tour Successfully Ends

Release time:2023/4/25
This article has been read:270times

In order to strengthen the team awareness of enterprise employees, promote mutual understanding and cooperation among various departments, reflect the company's humanized management, implement employee care, and allow employees to relax and enjoy the pleasant scenery of nature

From May 21st to 22nd, our company organized employees to take a two-day trip to the AAAAA level tourist resort of Yuntai Mountain.


Through this trip to Yuntai Mountain, we not only experienced the breathtaking natural scenery of Yuntai Mountain, enjoyed the joy and relaxation of tourism, but also felt the warmth and care of our company, fully demonstrating our company's corporate culture. We will devote ourselves to our future work with higher enthusiasm.

Comler Family's 2-day Yuntai Mountain Tour Successfully Ends
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Address: No. 2895, West Section of Shengze Street, Wenshang, Shandong Province (Kangmule International Industrial Park)

Shandong Kangmule New Energy Technology Co., Ltd


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